Special Issue of European Biophysics Journal

European Biophysics Journal

To accompany the Regional Biophysics Conference 2022 a Special Issue of the European Biophysics Journal is planned to reflect research presented at the meeting and completed by the participants. Authors having abstracts accepted for presentation at the RBC2022 are invited to submit articles in any relevant format (Original Article, Review, Methodology Article, Biophysics Letter, Technical Primer).

Submissions for the Special Issue can be made at the following web address: https://www.editorialmanager.com/ebjo/default.aspx

On beginning article submission you should choose the article type: "S.I : Regional Biophysics Congress 2022". Please upload manuscript files in Word or LaTeX format, and image files (e.g. for figures) separately as well as any embedded figures in the manuscript text file.

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 30th November 2022 and the issue will be published in the Summer of 2023.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any enquiries.

Queries on submission: ebj@bioch.ox.ac.uk

Submission guidelines of European Biophysics Journal

Special Issues devoted to previous Regional Biophysics Conferences

Regional Biophysics Conference - RBC2018, Zreče, Slovenia 
Guest Editors: Zoran Arsov, Tilen Koklič

Regional Biophysics Conference - RBC2016, Trieste, Italy 
Guest Editors: Mauro Dalla Serra, Alessandro Tossi