
Please, note that hotel booking and reservation has to be arranged by the participants.

The following hotels are recommended for the RBC2022 participants.

Participants of the RBC2022 Conference are eligible for a 10% discount by using the RBC2022 code at booking.

  • Hotel Makár

    Hotel Makár Sport & Wellness

    Website   Map

    H-7635 Pécs, Középmakár dűlő 4.

    Located at ~ 0.5 km from the Conference venue.

  • Hotel Laterum

    Hotel Laterum Pécs

    Website   Map

    7633 Pécs, Hajnóczy u. 37-39.

    Located at ~ 1.8 km from the Conference venue.

  • Hotel Palatinus

    Palatinus Grand Hotel

    Website   Map

    H-7621 Pécs, Király u. 5.

    Located at ~ 2 km from the Conference venue in the City Center.